The Civil War Over Obamacare


Regardless of how you feel about Obamacare, you must agree that it is one of the most bitterly debated issues in recent history. I personally can not remember an issue in my lifetime that has so polarized and divided the country. Whether you are for it or against it, here are a few facts to ponder:

  • Twenty-six states were part of the case brought before the Supreme Court challenging the constitutionality of Obamacare
  • 4 of the 9 Supreme Court justices thought it was unconstitutional
  • The one justice that swung the decision originally thought it was unconstitutional and only later changed his mind.
  • The constitutionality of the law was not upheld under the authority originally cited by the legislature that passed it
  • Back when the law was before congress, Obamacare had difficultly getting enough support to pass.
  • With barely enough votes to gain a majority, Obamacare could only be passed using a “reconciliation” procedure that up until that point had only been applied to budgetary matters, not laws creating new policy.

If you knew nothing else, just looking at the facts above, it’s easy to see that Obamacare is a divisive issue. But if you spend any time on social media or keep up with current events, it’s obvious that Obamacare is a hot button topic.

We as a country need to start looking at whether Obamacare is worth the virtual civil war it is causing. Whatever the potential benefits of the law are, we need to start asking ourselves if a law that:

  • introduces such unprecedented changes to the country
  • was passed with the bare minimum of support and only through the use of a controversial legislative procedure
  • was barely upheld by the Supreme Court
  • was only upheld on a controversial technicality
  • has over half the states in the union opposed to it
  • has so many people fighting tooth and nail against it
  • and is stirring up so much ill-will and hatred

is worth the trouble it is causing? This law is supposed to help people, yet all it seems to be doing is generating unhealthy animosity. Yes, people of all political persuasions want affordable healthcare. But do you want it in this way? At what cost to the country are you willing to pay to go along with Obamacare? It is worth tearing the country apart? Could there be better options that don’t pit neighbor vs. neighbor?

Let’s put aside all the debate about constitutionality or taxation or freedom. We should get rid of this law simply because the bad sentiment it is generating is virtually destroying the country. I think it’s a clear-cut case of the cure being worse than the disease. If you claim to believe in the spirit of what Obamacare is supposed to achieve, you know this is the right thing to do. See you in November.